How to reach us

Below you will find the information you need to reach us by using the main means of transport.

  • The nearest major airport is Verona (190 km). Other airports include Innsbruck (150 km), Milan (300 km) and Bolzano (36 km).
  • By car: you can travel on the Brennero motorway (A22) and take the exit at Chiusa or Bolzano Nord: both exits are just 25km from the Alpe.

  • By train : coming from Monaco-Innsbruck or from Verona-Trento, the IC and EC trains stop at Bolzano (36km) as well as Bressanone (25km); some trains also stop at Chiusa (11km).

We have given general indications on how to reach us on the map at the bottom of the page. If you wish to contact us directly you will find the information you need below. Our staff will be more than pleased to welcome you.

Piccolo Hotel Sciliar S.I.P.A. srl
39040 Alpe di Siusi (BZ)
Compatsch, 52 Sudtirol/Alto Adige
Fax: 0471/727969